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The institute project won the competition “Russia and Germany: scientific and educational bridges”

The project of the Siberian Institute of Applied Systems Analysis named after A.N. Antamoshkin won the competition ‘Russia and Germany: Scientific and Educational Bridges’, which was held within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018–2020 under the patronage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The project was among the 25 winners; a total of 125 applications were submitted for the competition. The awards ceremony took place on September 15, at the Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (studio in Berlin) and the National Research Technological University MISiS (studio in Moscow).

The scientific supervisor of the institute Eugene Semenkin took part in the awards ceremony in Moscow, and the director of the institute Evgeny Sopov participated remotely in the awards ceremony and conference on the results of the year of partnership.

Certificate of honour from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov and German Federal Foreign Minister H. Maas

Link to the project page ‘Youth, Science, Artificial Intelligence: Ulm – Krasnoyarsk, 30 Years Together’

Link to the website Full list of competition winners.

Gewinnerprojekte des Wettbewerbs „Brücken für die Deutsch-Russische Hochschul- und Wissenschaftszusammenarbeit“

Link to the project presentation on the website

Awards video:

Speech of the scientific supervisor of SibIASA Eugene Semenkin:

Full video of the closing ceremony (official video of MISIS):

Full video of the closing ceremony (online conference video):

Video of the interactive presentation of the project on the competition website: