“Reality is quite different than it actually is”
News, latest blog posts
- The scientific supervisor of SibIASA has become a winner of the competition “Golden Names of the Higher School”
- The announcement for the 11th international conference IWMMA 2022
- SibIASA team members are winners of the mega-grant competition
- Our ‘optimists’ are the most optimistic in the world! SibIASA researchers have won the global competition as part of the Congress on Evolutionary Computing
- The announcement for Special Issue “Mathematical Models and Their Applications III”
- The announcement for the international conference IWMMA 2021
- Interview with the scientific supervisor of the institute
Siberian Institute of Applied System Analysis named after A.N. Antamoshkin (SibIASA) is a scientific and innovative structural unit of the Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology.
SibIASA was established on 01 July 2017 by the decision No. 12 of the Scientific Council of Reshetnev University on 30 June 2017.