The competition has been held since 2017 within the framework of the project of the same name by the interregional public organization ‘The League of…
The Eleventh International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, IWMMA 2022 will be held from November 22 to 24, 2022. Detailed information is available…
A team of Krasnoyarsk scientists have become the winners of the ninth mega-grant competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian…
The optimization algorithm developed by researchers of the Siberian Institute of Applied Systems Analysis named after A.N. Antamoshkin took first place in the global competition…
Algorithms magazine published by MDPI (Switzerland) announced the start of submitting articles for the 3rd special issue of Mathematical Models and Their Applications III (link).…
The Tenth International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, Krasnoyarsk, the Russian Federation will be held from November 16 to 18, 2021. Detailed information…
The scientific supervisor of SibIASA Professor E.S. Semenkin has given an interview to Reshetnev University. The original interview on the Reshetnev University website. Do what…
The scientific supervisor of SibIASA took part in the webinar “Künstliche Intelligenz datenschutzkonform entwickeln” (“Developing artificial intelligence in compliance with data protection rules”), held by…
On September 26, SibIASA plans to take part in the webinar “Künstliche Intelligenz datenschutzkonform entwickeln” (“Developing artificial intelligence in compliance with data protection rules”). Webinar…
September 25, 2020 SibIASA Scientific Supervisor Eugene Semenkin and Institute Senior Researcher Shahnaz Akhmedova took part in the round table ‘Partnerships between Russian and Japanese…