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Institute Deputy Director

Ilia A. Panfilov,
MSc (CS), PhD (CS), Associate Professor

Siberian Institute of Applied System Analysis named after A.N. Antamoshkin, Deputy Director

Siberian State University of Science and Technology (SibSU)
Department of System Analysis and Operations Research, Professor
Krasnoyarsky Rabochy ave. 31, 660037, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7-391-2919141


Research Areas

Applied System Analysis, Modeling and Optimization of Technical Systems, Data Analysis, Computer-Aided Design of Artificial Intelligence Systems


Date of birth: 09 November 1980
Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent)
Citizenship: Russian Federation


2002: BSc in Engineering and Technology in System Analysis and Control (with honors), Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2004:  MSc in Engineering and Technology in System Analysis and Control (with honors), Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


2006: PhD in Computer Science, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Dissertation: Models and algorithms for designing efficient configurations of multiprocessor information processing and control systems (scientific supervisor – E. Semenkin)

Job Positions

2017-present: Deputy Director, Siberian Institute of Applied System Analysis (Research Institute), SibSU-SibSAU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2006-present: Associate Professor, Department of System Analysis and Operations Research, SibSU-SibSAU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


2011 – Laureate of State Prizes of the Krasnoyarsk Region in the field of Vocational Education

Scientific projects: over 20 research projects, including the headed:

  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists МК-2160.2009.9 “Software for Solving Complex Global Optimization Problems using Multi-agent Stochastic Algorithms”, 2009-2010.
  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists МК-2835.2012.9 “Multi-agent Stochastic Algorithms for Designing Weak-structured Data Proceeding and Analysis Systems”, 2012-2013.


over 100 research papers in journals and conference proceedings, among them 8 indexed in Web of Science, 11 indexed in Scopus, 13 indexed in Google Scholar, 20+ state patents for software systems

H-index: Russian Index of Scientific Citations – 5, Google Scholars – 3, Scopus – 2, Web of Science – 2

ResearcherID: А-6501-2016
Scopus Author ID: 55440776800
ORCID 0000-0002-6465-1748
RSCI: 501302